Glycosaminoglycan Symposyum

In order to promote exchange of scientific information, the Ronzoni Institute organizes in collaboration with the Universities of Bonn and Münster the Glycosaminoglycan symposium.

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31st Symposium on Glycosaminoglycans

The 31st edition of this annual series of symposia will take place at Villa Vigoni in Loveno di Menaggio, on Lake Como. The series of symposia, which began in 1990 as Italian-German meetings and has become increasingly international, is now organized in collaboration with the Universities of Bonn (Prof. Gerd Bendas) and Münster (Prof. Martin Götte).
Eminent specialists from all over the world are invited to contribute to discussion of topics of actual or emerging interest in the field of chemistry, biochemistry, biology, pharmacology, and clinical applications of heparin and other glycosaminoglycans. Both basic and applied aspects are covered and discussed, with about twenty percent of participants being usually associated with pharmaceutical companies.
This year, among the topics covered there will be the heparanase inhibitors, the role of glycosaminoglycans in viral infections and in malignancy, and the advances in analytical approaches. Moreover, also biosynthetic aspects, structural characterization and protein interactions, biological functions, pharmaceutical and clinical aspects will be covered. A poster session is also planned aimed to young researchers, for which a maximum of eight posters will be selected.
The symposium will have a hybrid character, allowing both in-presence and virtual participation. As per tradition, participation is exclusively by invitation and is limited to a maximum of 70 participants.
A sufficient time will be allotted for in-depth discussion. The informal, workshop-like character of the symposium and the pleasant surroundings of the Villa traditionally stimulate after-session interactions among participants as in the past 30 editions.